Q & A of Media 1887 to 2025

What is Streaming ? How does it work ?
Streaming - 2004 - 20 Yrs
Streaming services since 2005 provide Audio and Video from the internet , they are dependent on paying a monthly fee but are also extremely unreliable . Content is changed to suit the providers profit and the choice can be limited to who you pay. The quality is adjusted to suit the load of how many are using the service which mean it degrades the more are using it . The quality is more often far from what we expect it to be . Audio in particular is just not good enough it has never met what we know it can be We doubt it ever will be a viable alternative to real HIFI .

What is MP3 ? Whats wrong with it ?
MP3 - 1987 - 37 Yrs
MP3 Created in 1987 ( MPEG Audio Layer 3 ) is a compressed audio system that is used to store music files. It was a poor mans way of playing digital music. It did however have tremendous convenience, later taking over from traditional media that was portable before it . The sound quality or musicality of any traditional media is just not available on MP3. Digital music will always miss key elements of musicality such as harmonics, and MP3 along with lossless, Flak , & wav as well as most other forms of digital media can never sound as the artist meant it to sound , it will always be less and compressed

What are Compact Discs ?
Compact Discs - 1979 - 45 Yrs
Compact Disc was introduced in 1982 by Phillips and Sony , it was a digital format that made high quality recordings easy to hear , it chnaged the music industry, but equally led the way to near perfect copying , Paving the way for a whole new generation of kids creating intellectual property theft. It led The demise of the music era of the 80s and 90s as music companies started to feel the loss of revenue by others copying content . The quality was admired by those that didn't know better, but its still short of high quality systems and vinyl but none the less changed the world of music for ever.

Is Cassette Tape really so bad ?
Cassette Tape -1963 - 61 Yrs
Cassette Tape developed by Philips , was never ever good enough to call HIFI . It was introduced in 1963 . It was flawed from day one , as each tape varied on each player and quality suffered . Its popularity was assured as it was the start of in-car audio. It was simple durable and easy to use and sound was normally " OK " . This media had its day and should be put to rest . It filled a technical gap but it was always awful , and not much better than an AM radio . RIP

Are Vinyl Records real HIFI ?
Vinly Records - 1887 - 137 Yrs
Vinyl Records originally made of shellac resin were invented and introduced in 1987 . They were primitive in the early days and have had over 137 Years to be perfected. They are when integrated with a high quality system still unsurpassed in quality. They make music become part of your life forever . We love vinyl it is wonderful ... You most likely just dont know it yet

Does Amplification make a difference ?
OA21 and ONIX AUDIO has grown with all of this media, we have learned what is right and what is not . We have perfected the art of reproducing music . It is an art . We didn't ask a computer or use one to measure the spec of what we made we didn't force bullshit numbers down your throat, as the reason to buy what we make . We did just one thing ......
We listened to music and we made it better
Enjoyment through our ears .... from 1984