Facebook Trolls
( Zero Sum, knuckle dragging, life forms )
Stuart Frazer / Leon ( Nye ) Samuels / Bryan Welter
We believe that an ONIX AUDIO Facebook page would benefit the whole HIFI community, If it was run by an impartial adult . Sadly the one that is set up using ONIX AUDIO as its name is not in any way worth having, and it is not impartial . It was set up in September 2020 during Covid to discredit us. This being a time trolls bred like fleas. This Facebook page has fake accounts as followers, and false posts from those fake accounts. Most posts by admin almost without exception are designed to discredit us. Admin has even modified genuine posts . Documented proof backs up our history , not internet hearsay. Make up your own mind and use genuine documented history to do it . Then enjoy our products and listen to music like you have never ever heard it .
( Click here )
Food for thought about OA21 & ONIX AUDIO
We have made over over a 100,000 amps in our time, and we have many loyal customers. Even if the lies were true posted by a few fake people , we would still have a satisfaction rate of 99.9999 % !! Think about it that's something to be proud of .
We know our real customers don't take notice of Facebook or whats posted there. We are sure that like us, they rise above it . Our customers have worthwhile lives and appreciate our integrity, along with what we do. Typically they have open minds and progressive lives, as they have attained a certain position in the world by wealth from knowledge and they don't waste valuable time. We respect and value each and every customer and we never fail to accept the world we all live in .
A message from an ONIX AUDIO Founder
I have read various Facebook posts and lies perpetuated on the rouge Facebook page. It seems staff met me at the factory while they were working there in 1993. Some in 1992. This is Amazing as I sold the company outright in early 1991!!. Apparently I was fired by the people I sold it too !!! I was the majority owner of the company with 100% voting rights but was fired - Stunning - This shows how ignorant the admin for this page is and how unknowlegable about any legality of corporate structures, or what the people that own them do on a daily basis . It defines a typical troll . I have learned they are irrelevant to us.
After many years in business, its not uncommon to gather a few disgruntled employees that seem to have creative memories of the past. They always forget that they often got removed from the company . Often I personally did not employ them, remove them, or even meet them. However we do live in a time of serious mental instability so it does not surprise me . I have recently had the need to make reports to the police using the Protection from harassment act 1997 in this regard . I will leave the police to do their job with these offenders, but being in the public eye this is not a rare occurrence .
I always move forward with positivity and do not dwell on the past , I am passionate about what I design and what we make. We make the best amps ever and I know that . I use my real name Adam Worsfold - Contact Click Here and I don't hide behind a false identity like others . I love music and make amps with unmatched quality, but more than this I love doing it.
Please contact us with any questions, we will gladly call you back on any matter. If you don't like what we do, that's called free choice - but talk to us before you absorb social media BS created by people with no life of their own . Balance the truth , Thank you.
Provide any invoice created by us, made to the above named people, and we will give you a DNA Ultimate amp worth 3000 GBP for NOTHING yep for ZERO Dated 20-07-24
This offer is open to anyone.
(* PS- No one has taken this offer up in 4 years * )