What we stand for
Music is crucial, it relaxes , it creates memory , it makes times enjoyable and it is the basis of our lives .. Everyone loves music, it heals all of us

Social Media
We think social media is destructive For many that use it, They just seek fame & likes by posting negativity with fake profiles, at the penalty of others existing in a world fed by jealously. These platforms make money from traffic and views by selling statistics to advertisers . You are the product they sell, but most don't care. Yet Sadly this is how the world has become. Sheeple follow the herd. They don't set the path unlike us .
Facebook in particular is frequented by people that have very little good to say, it all gossip or they just want to sell stuff on a free advertising platform . We wont sell out like others do .. We have ethics and many Facebook user are jealous of that, so we don't have a Facebook account . We listen to music and our lives are more fulfilling. Hopefully you will join us in this fact .

Music is as old as humanity , its been made by cavemen and animals in nature . Its an integral part of everyday life and it helps us each and every day to get going .
If you don't listen to music we have no doubt you life is less fulfilling than ours . Reproduction and quality of music just makes it so much better , People have learned this for centuries. It has just worked.
Then we invented MP3 and music went down hill .. We want to stop the rot and remind everyone what it can do when its played and reproduced on a great system We want everyone to know this . You are only in this life once, enjoying it is key but relaxing with great sound makes it last longer if only because of the mood you have from doing so .

How many have a broken remote in their house or life ? Our remote is not plastic , its not made for countless other products with a blanking sticker to hide its multiple use , it does not cost 2 dollars to make and it does not have loads of buttons you never use .
It is carved from a solid lump of aluminum, ( See our Video - Here ) and its scratch proof. Its made by us to operate ONLY our amps and it feels great to hold , it has 316 stainless steel buttons and stainless steel hex screws holding it together . It so nice to hold you might take it with you, just because you can. to show others what a real remote feels like and the status you have achieved .. Be unique - we are