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All REVIEWS in original media format and unedited

All reviews are unedited . We provided only production products exactly the same as the ones made for you

They are not " Golden Samples " made just for review, or for Social media promotion.

DNA50 Review Hi Fi Answers

Quote :- "This really is quite a special product. Stylish, slim, powerful, tuneful, musically engaging and - unusually for a British built product - a fit and finish up there with the very best from Germany, Japan and USA."

HIFI Pig ONIX DNA 50 Review

Quote :- "The DNA-50 amplifier has a real solidity and assuredness that you don’t even bother to seek out "  you simply sit back, relax, spin your favourite tunes and be comprehensively drawn right in by the clarity, power and emotion of the music."

HIFI Plus OA21 ONIX DNA Review
HiFi Insights DNA50 Review
AudioPhile France DNA 50 Review
Concert Audio OA21 DNA 50

Quote :- "The DNA-50 unveils plenty of detail and lets you know what's going on without making you think about the sound: in other words, the emphasis is on the music."


Enough Said ....

Click for full PDF review in French

The DNA-50 is, in many ways, the most impressive affordable amp we’ve heard in years. Not the best, per se, but the one that did the most to win us over, with its excellent build quality, its musically incisive and involving performance, and its attractive level of value.“

HIFI Review April 1990

Described as a " Semi precious Jewel , uncompromising in appearance and a very fine integrated amplifier" from ONIX AUDIO

In 1990 little did they know just how right they were

Canadian Review OA21

In our dictionary ONYX is a gem ..
This black box called ONIX is exactly that ..A GEM

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